Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blog Chocolate!!!

I can't believe it I actually hit 50,000! Wow I never thought anyone would be interested in my work! Thank you!! As a way to show my appreciation I am offering some Blog Chocolate!

What am I offering????????

Well you could have this Any 4 Cuttlebug Embossing Folders! The ones pictured here are mine but, you will be able to chose any 4 you want, and I will have them shipped to you directly! Remember the new ones released at CHA they are now available too!

So what do you have to do??????


Tell what your making for dinner! You can leave a recipe too if you would like I am always looking for new recipes!

I will close the contest and randomly draw a name on Saturday Evening!


  1. Wow! One of the first to comment!
    Sorry my dinner won't be as exciting..hehehe! I'm making chicken tonight...not sure what I'm doing with it yet. I really need to do a big grocery shop so my choices are pretty limited. Probably just shake & bake, some veggies and potatoes...
    Heather L.

  2. What awesome blog candy!
    We are having curry chicken for dinner tonight. My SIL is Korean and she introduced us to this delicious. meal. Here is a link to the curry mix and a recipe.

  3. WOW!!! Pick me..... Pick me..... lol
    I love those cuttlebugs. My dinner is Tacos.

  4. I am fixing Chicken Marsala with a salad and twice baked potatoes. Thanks for offering a great prize!


  5. we are having pizza (homemade, although a premade crust)
    Another fave is pizza pasta, make your pizza into a casserole, noodles, pasta sauce with pizza spices, and your fave pizza toppings, Ham and Pinapple tastes great!!! Don't forget lots of cheese!
    Carrie D

  6. We're having Polynesian Casserole - Yummy!
    1 to 1 1/2lb. sausage browned & drained. In same saucepan saute 2 C. chopped celery, 1 C. chopped onion, 1 large red pepper, chopped.
    In 4 C. boiling water cook 2 pkg. dry chicken noodle soup & 1/2 C. rice for 7 minutes.
    Put sausage, vegetables, rice & noodles & 1 sm. can water chestnuts, chopped, into casserole dish (13x9). Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Hope you enjoy it!
    I'd sure like some more Cuttlebug folders - there are several I don't have! Thanks for a chance to win!!!

  7. Dinner??? Let's see how does chicken sound. Chicken and Rice Casserole...easy, quick and tasty.

  8. Well, I'm thinking pork chops with mushroom sauce.....(campbells muschroom soup with worchestshire sauce, garlic and seasoning salt) and maybe caesar salad. Have you ever had sex in a pan? Great chocolate dessert. If you haven't and would like the recipe, I'll email it to you. Email me if you want it! If I win, I'll have to buy the cuttlebug. Oh darn?!
    Tara Macfarlane.

  9. Yummy blog chocolate! Love it!

    Tonight we're just grilling hamburgers. Nothing fancy, but we're looking forward it.

  10. I'm cheating tonight... my oldest son and husband are in the mountains skiing so I think the little one and I will go out for dinner!!!

  11. This is easy, since I just finished dinner! :-) We had chicken breast (grilled on the Foreman...yummm) teriyaki rice, and baked beans with Sun Tea to drink. It was delish!

  12. I just finished cooking my husbands's fave..spaghetti. He likes it better the next day though after it has sat in fridge overnight.

  13. Congrats! The kids have Awana tonight, so they will have mac-n-cheese with hot dogs in it...and my hubby and I are having terryaki-marinated chicken with garlic mashed potatoes-the kind from Schwans. Yumm! :0)

  14. Oh that is easy. Nothing! We have so much going on tonight and my waterheater hasn't been working today and I don't care to cook thank you very much! Hee hee! Maybe grilled cheese after all the dust settles. Congratulations on your blog!

  15. Awesome blog candy. I must be one of the rare few that don't own any of the Cuttlebug Folders. I am trying to save up to get the cuttlebug & some folders. Right now I am taking a break from cooking supper so that's an easy one. We are having left over pork roast which I am heating up in a sweet & sour sauce & pouring over rice. We'll also have asparagus & a salad. Yummy!

  16. Wow, what yummy blog chocolate. Who wouldn't want that. Tonight for dinner we're having chicken alfredo. Yummy. I'm sure you probably already have arecipe for that though. Not very difficult to make.

    Heather Stevens

  17. What great blog candy! Actually I have oven baked coconut chicken in the oven and 2 pork Tenderloins baking too!
    My son decided he didn't want pork so he made some coconut chicken to bake! So Dad and I get the pork!
    Bake potatoes and salad and that's our meal tonite with much leftovers i bet!

  18. WOW.I love cuttlebug!!!
    My dinner was very easy.....a friend phoned about 3:30 this afternoon with an invite to her house......she makes yummy sketti.....LOL. And her biscuits are soooo good. Oh and did I mention the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies?.........and man, were they loaded with chips!! Yum Yum Yum. Chocolate is my favorite food group.

    I really should spend some time on my blog, but I don't have time after I check all the blogs that I have book marked. LOL

    A cute Easter verse for somebody with a good sense of humor.

    If you eat
    too much Easter Candy...
    You'll have to kiss
    your skinny a** good Bye!

    I think my Mom's sense of humor will stretch that far. She is 81.

  19. Oh how I want to get some of these sometime. LOL!
    I'm lucky, I'm not making dinner tonight. I have to go out so DH is on his own and we have some leftovers in the fridge for Brooke. :)

  20. Great candy deserve the 50K in hits...your creations are getting better everyday! I just started Atkins this week (sigh!) so I will be having roast beef and lettuce with oil and vinegar! DD and DH will probably have waffles since, if mommy doesn't make them something, they always want breakfast items...

  21. I'm embarassed to say that for dinner I'm making a trip to the local fast food chicken joint! Shame on me, but it's good stuff!! And I loooovvvveeee chocolate!!

  22. Great blog candy!

    Tonight was White chili. (and for the picky kids, Mac & Cheese!)
    Recipe can be found here: I left out the peppers as we don't like too spicy.

  23. Sorry to say we are having noting special for dinner tonight.
    Kielbasa sausage cooked with green peppers and onions, fired pototoes and garlic bread. For desert just ice cream.

  24. wow Kelly, congrats on reaching 50.000. I love your blog chocolate, I never met a chocolate I didnt like. So very sweet of you.
    tonight is just a simple supper soft taco's for me and hard shell for my hubby. Sherry Heinrich

  25. What a very cool idea! Yep-- we're stampers, but we've gotta eat, too!

    Tonight we are having one of my husband's favorites, which I had never even HEARD of until I married him. He tells me it's a Pennsylvania Dutch/German tradition that you must eat pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day to ensure good luck in the coming year. He loves it, so I make it a few times a year, and boy is it easy:
    -Place a pork roast or chops in a crock pot.
    -Dump in a can or jar of sauerkraut, including juice.
    -Cook it all day, and serve with mashed potatoes.

    I thought it sounded kind of yucky when he first described it, but it grows on you. Of course, serving a big chocolate dessert with it always helps!

    Best wishes on 50K!

  26. Wow - love those embossing folders - making chicken breasts (oven roasted) then cut up and put over salad - fast easy and weight friendly!

  27. Amazing blog candy!!

    We're having a whole fryer chicken rubbed with salt, pepper, lemon zest, fresh thyme, garlic and olive oil with roasted potatoes and carrots. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 1 1/2-2 1/2 hours (when internal temp. hits 190). Absolutely yummy!!


  28. we are having a ham, pasta and a garden salad for supper night. loving the chocolate :-D


  29. Great blog candy!!!!! We already had dinner, Pizza and Salad. It was real simple to make. Just open the package and put in pre-heated (400) oven for 18-20 minutes.....

  30. Wow ... what a generous blog candy!

    For supper we had Chicken Kiev's, veggies and Garlic bread.

  31. Such generous candy, Kelly!! Thanks for the opportunity to play!! For dinner tonight I cut up 3 pork boneless porkchops into small pieces and cooked them in my wok until tender, added in 4 cups of just cooked rice and a can of nuked peas. That's my stirfry. I have a picky child and that's as crazy as I can get with a stirfry or she won't eat it!!! Hahaha!

  32. Wow, Kelly - 50,000 hits is great!!!

    Nothing exciting for dinner here. I didn't even make it. Yesterday I made chicken wing, spinach, potatoes and beans if that counts.

  33. Wow, Kelly, that's quite the awesome blog chocolate! Tonight we're having BBQ chicken with baked potato and carrots, as our weather is starting to warm up again and finally! Thank you, Deb M in BC :)

  34. Tonight we are having greek! I made the spanikopita a few days ago and threw them in the freezer so the rest is pretty easy... BBQ steak, lemon rice and greek salad.
    Great prize by the way!

  35. Ooh! Love the Cuttlebug!
    Dinner? I just happened upon a new recipe today to make for dinner tonight! It smells so good, it's in the oven as we type!
    Crustless Broccoli Quiche
    4 Eggs, 1 1/4 C Milk 1 %
    3 Slices Whole Wht Brd, no crust, cubed. 4 C broccoli florets, cooked, chopped, 1 c chopped onions, 3/4 C Shredded chedd. cheese.
    Oven at 350 degrees. Beat eggs, milk, add bread, mix lightly, stir in all other ingredients til well mixed. Pour in 9" baking dish. Bake 45 min til center is set and slightly brown.

  36. Congratulations on all the hits.....someday maybe. I love your blog. Tonight I am making a chicken dish where you flash fry skinless, boneless chicken. You top it with tomatoes, bell peppers and some times some type of spicy pepper, turn heat down and cook on medium low for about 20 minutes then I turn the burner off and top with a mixed shredded cheese. Let it sit for a couple of minutes til the cheese melts....yummy, For the veggie I cut asparagus,onions,red peppers toss lightly in extra virgin olive oil & stir fry. Hope you like it!

  37. I had a salad with chopped up chicken that was leftover from last night's dinner. Pretty boring!

  38. Wow - great blog chocolate :)
    Tonight we are having leftover chicken. It is called Ritzy Chicken, and I think it has Ritz cracker crumbs in the coating, but I'm not certain, as I made it at one of the "Dinner and Dish" places. I *love* those places - we get great meals that we EAT and I don't have to worry about having the right ingredients, or the prep work, or the messy clean up! AND - there are always yummy leftovers.

  39. We went out to dinner.. so no recipe.... tomorrow we are having beef stew.....
    great blog chocolate!

  40. Grilled burgers and hotdogs for us. It was my sons night to pick what we are having for dinner. Not too exciting in our house

  41. We had salsbury steak with mushroom and onion gravy, mashed potatoes and waxed beans. We just had a few store bought cookies for dessert. It wasn't fancy but it was satisfying.
    I am happy to hear of the success of your blog. I've thought of doing one myself and then I look at others and think to myself that there isn't a chance of putting interesting things in like I see in other people's blogs.
    Yours is very well done and a joy to browse through.
    Take care.
    Linda Ervin

  42. I made BBQ chicken in the oven--just take chicken breasts and put on some BBQ sauce and a little worstchester sauce and bake at 350. I made some corn on the cob, and cornbread to go along with it! Thanks for the opportunity! Gail

  43. Hi Emmie, Great Chocolate. I made Spaghetti for supper, but in my house it doesnt need a recipe. My girls like noodles, with butter and parmesan! Easy for me! Denise Bennett

  44. yummy chocolate!!! I am making spaghetti...and I am sure if you can make the beautiful cards that you can make spaghetti!!
    Tracy H.

  45. Tonight for dinner I made beef quesadillas... they're quick & easy and everyone loved them.

    -1 lb ground beef scramble fried, add 1 cup water and 6 tbsp of taco seasoning. Cook until there's no water left.

    -grated cheddar cheese

    -flour tortillas

    -cut green onions

    -layer it all together and bake in the oven until the cheese melts. Cut like a pizza and serve with home made guacamole and salsa.

  46. Lately I am not a big fan of cooking...Tonight we had goulash. Simply put...Hamburger with diced onions cooked...then mix in cooked noodles (I did the veggie noodles), tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and a veggie...diced tomatoes...I did corn since I didn't have tomatoes. Cover in cheese and back till cheese is melted and hot...not too bad of a dinner and easy....I LOVE THE CUTTLEBUG!! PICK ME

  47. WOW!!! What AMAZING blog candy!!! Well I work 7am-7pm. Dh works 7pm-4am. We never see each other. I have to make dinner for just me. Usually I'm too tired to cook by the time I get home. Tonight I had velveeta shells and cheese. Not very healthy, but it was quick. I really do miss eating dinners as a family w/ my dh.

  48. Fabulous candy! And congrats on reaching 50,000!
    We ate (gasp!) frozen pasta for dinner tonight! Hubby has to work nights tonight, so I didn't want to fuss for dinner.

  49. For dinner tonight I made a choice, lol. I picked what I wanted at a fast food place. Wonderful blog, I'll be back often.
    Claudia F.

  50. We just finished it but this is what we had:
    Baked chicken breast (baked with italian dressing and onion spice)
    steam carrots with melted butter, honey and dill
    roasted potatoes

    No real recipes just a dash of this and pinch of that.

  51. Awesome blog candy! (I love that everytime you hear the word "exercise, you wash your mouth out with chocolate!!) Tonight I didn't want to cook, so we went to International House of Pancakes. I had bacon, sausage, eggs and pancakes with blueberry sauce and whipped cream - yum!!
    Cheryl KVD

  52. It's rainy and kinda chilly here in Texas, so comfort food is what I was craving today! I love Mexican food. This recipe has the taste with little effort and satisfies that comfort food craving. Enjoy!

    Enchilada Casserole

    2 lb ground beef
    1 can red enchilada sauce
    1 can cream of mushroom sauce
    1 can cream of chicken
    1 can pinto beans- w/ chopped jalapeno if desired
    1 can tomato sauce (not small) regular can
    1 green bell pepper chopped
    green onions chopped
    1-2 lbs of cheese-Longhorn-Shredded or Monterey Jack & Cheddar
    1 package of 12 corn tortillas

    Brown meat with green onions, bell pepper & season. Grease casserole dish. I use Pam. Lay corn tortillas in bottom of dish, cut or tore in quarters. Combine meat mixture (drained) with soups, sauces and beans (drain beans). Layer tortillas with meat mixture then sprinkle with cheese on top. Bake 350 for 45 minutes.

    I just bought my Cuttlebug last week and would love some embossing folders to work with!!!

  53. oops....almost forgot to pass along my receipe for Chocolate Eclair cake. It is so easy and soooo good. It is best to make the night before serving.

    I didn't make this today but will during the Easter holiday.

    2 small boxes vanilla instant pudding mix
    1 cup powered sugar
    3 cups regular milk
    8oz cool whip
    1 can chocolate fudge icing
    1 box graham crackers

    Mix pudding, sugar and milk. Add cool whip and mix about 2 minutes. Place graham crackers in bottom of dish, approximately 10X13. Pour half of pudding mixture over graham crackers. Repeat graham cracker and pudding layer using the rest of the pudding mixture. Add one more layer of graham crackers. Heat icing in microwave about thirty seconds or until you can stir it. Pour icing over last layer. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

  54. What fun blog candy!!! Only me and my little one (8) here; Dad on the road with work, big sis (20) at college, big brother (21) at college, so we are having scrambled egg sandwiches. Everyone home tomorrow for Easter break and weekend, so real cooking starts again. Have a great Easter and may you and your family be blessed!!!

  55. For dinner tonight I went to my mom's!! We had ham, potato salad, green beans, steamed cabbage, and homemade biscuits!!

    I love your blog candy! I am getting a cuttlebug soon and would love to have some folders to go with it!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  56. Oh my gosh, I love chocolate almost as much as I love my cuttlebug folders. Dinner tonite was for my 3 day diet and I had tuna, cauliflower, raw carrots, cantalope, and vanilla ice cream. I am trying this diet to get some of these excess pounds off and tonite was my third day of it. This is my second round and I think I have lost about 5 pounds in the 2 times. After 3 days of the diet, I eat normally (but less and smarter) for the other 4, then repeat.

  57. Wow great prize I love the embossing folders. I am actually even cooking dinner tonight, I have much the last few weeks as my dh is on hols. Dinner tonight is Vegetable Spaghetti (not sure why it is called that as I do put bacon in it LOL) Basic put bacon and onion in a fry pan and brown, add vegies of choice (I normally put frozen peas, corn etc), add some soy sauce, Continue cooking. In another pot cook spag. When spaghetti is cooked drain and add to vegie mixture and combine - add more soy sauce - cook for a few more minutes and serve. My dh & I love this.

  58. My MIL is here for dinner tonight so I am trying to cook a German meal. We are having smoked pork chops, fried potatoes with onions and cucumber salad. No one can cook like she does but I know she will appreciate my effort.
    Laura's recipe for Chocolate Eclair cake sounds too yummy to just read about - I will be trying it for Easter.

  59. We had crockpot beef enchiladas. It's easy and so yummy. In a crockpot put 1 chuck roast, salt, pepper, cumin, 1 can chopped tomatoes, 1 can chopped green chilies, 1 can chopped jalapenos, 2 sliced onions. Let cook on low all day. Serve on tortillas with toppings. Very moist and yummy!

  60. We HAD, stir fry... I used quick fry steaks sliced thinly (if you shop in Vernon, Butcher Boys has the best quality meat) and stir fried with a mixture of fresh veggies. I used Epicure spices to season and served on a bed of rice. On the table I put soy sauce and Peanut butter (indonesian tradition)
    While this is not my family's favourite meal, it is what I have planned for "Wednesdays"

  61. DINNER? You mean we still have to cook? OK! Nothing fancy, spaghetti with a salad & garlic toast. Something fast so we can get back to playing! Hopefully with some new Cuttlebug folders!!!
    Ilene B.

  62. Tonight for dinner we had home made Beef Barley Soup that my Mom made for us...delicious! but I don't have the recipe! Last night it was Pita Pizza's with turkey breats...tomorrow I dunno!!!!

    Congrats on your blog! It is awesome!

  63. walnut encrusted salmon

    heat oven to 400. cover small dish with foil.

    1/4th cup melted butter
    3 TBS dijon mustard
    1.5 TBS honey

    Put mixture on salmon.

    a slice of bread
    in food processor until you have crumbs.

    sprinkle crumbs over salmon.
    Bake about 18 minutes.


    -michelle martinez

  64. We are having a chicken casserole tomorrow night, this evening we just had leftovers!

    Chicken casserole

    2 cups cooked chicken, diced
    2 cups milk
    1 can cream of chicken soup
    1 can cream of mushroom soup
    8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
    1 cup thawed peas and carrots
    2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
    dieced onion to taste

    Mix all together in large bowl, cover and refrigerate over night. Place in a greased casserold dish, cover and bake at 350 for 1 1/4 hrs. Uncover the last 15 minutes to brown. Serve with bread and a salad.

  65. We had chicken with lemon artichoke sauce that came from "Dream Dinners". I love your blog and all your creations! Very inspiring!

  66. We had steaks on the grill. Seasoned with Jack Stack Steak Rub (from KC). Then I put salt, pepper, garlic and roasted red peppers (from a jar) on some asparagus and grilled that also. We had salad (boring), mushrooms sauteed in butter on the steak and of course, muffins - I love muffins!!! Gotta have some carbs!! The ice cream man came by so I let the kids get a bar, but I ate the good stuff we had in the freezer!!

    I had my club members make your hippo tonight at technique club. I gave them all a link to your blog, so you will probably get even more traffic!! I just LOVE your critters!!!

  67. We are having Yumm (reg. TM) bowls at home. Start with a bowl of rice, scoop of black beans, Yumm! sauce (reg. TM) can get it through cafe yumm! restaurants (see Then add shredded cheese, chopped onion, black olive, cilantro, red peppers, mushrooms, and the freshest salsa you can find. Top with a dollop of sour cream.
    And if you have room after this, treat yourself to a couple fresh baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk.
    I love CB embossing folders!

  68. R U Kidding! Your candy rocks. Honestly I tried an new recipe for this pork alfredo thing and it came out yucky. Eatable, but nothing I would share or ever cook again~BLECH

  69. Shpherd's pie tonight. It's such a comfort food. WOW, your blog candy is fabulous, thanks for the chance to win!!!

  70. Okay...I only pulled out the leftover prime rib that I had made on Sunday. That doesn't count as a recipe either because it was a Sam's club heat and eat purchase! But...last night, I made bbq meatballs....frozen meatballs but homemade BBQ sauce. How? I just estimate a mixture of: onions browned in butter or margarine, add ketchup, brown sugar, worstshire(spelling?) sauce, mustard, chili powder, garlic, lemon pepper and seasoned salt. I just got a CB a week ago so I would LOVE a new folder!!!


  71. What great blog candy! I just got a cuttlebug not too long ago and only have a couple of folders so this is perfect! But, I didn't make dinner tonight. We had to rush to church so we ate at Taco Bell.

  72. Cuttlebug embossing folders for candy???? We had tacos for dinner.... but shoot, if I win, I'll cook YOU dinner!!!

  73. Wow, my eyes just about bugged out (no pun intended!) when I saw this blog candy. Tonight I made ginger chicken and baked asparagus with a side of Basmati rice. Yum!

  74. We had chicken breasts italian, noodles with pesto, salad,and veggies. Very easy recipe chicken breasts are dusted with oregano, basil and garlic then put in hot oven(400) and bake for 20min Take can of italian tomatoes diced add a tbsp flour and 1/4 cup parm cheese. Pour over chicken breast and bake at 350 for 30 min top with mozanralli(sp) cheese continue to bake til melted. It is a big hit in our house and so darn easy.

  75. i got off easy for dinner...ihop cooked!!

  76. I made Bruswick Stew! I got this recipe for the Paula Dean show on the food network and my family LOVES it. :)

  77. Snoring was Spaghetti...but it's quick and easy!

  78. Im hyperventilating! lol. I am going to get the bug on fri so this would be perfect :)

    I made Butter Chicken over with with Naan bread. its an indian meal and oh so good and spicey! I got the recipie on

  79. Oooohhh!!! I was just eyeing these folders today and trying to give my hubby some heads up for birthday & Mother's Day ideas.

    I fixed chicken and rice for dinner because I know the kids will eat it well. I throw the chicken breasts in the crockpot and pour on the sundried tomato dressing and let it cook all day. Smells and tastes delicious!

  80. Wow! Awesome blog chocolate. We had homemade fajita(sp?) tonight. Love your creations.

  81. I'm single and cook for one, so I make a lot of one dish meals based on what's in the fridge. Tonight's was sauteed carrots, onion, garlic, red peppers, spinach and tomatoes tossed with whole wheat pasta, fresh lemon juice, some butter, parmesan cheese and fresh ground pepper - sort of a pasta primavera. I followed it with a chaser of Hostess 100 calorie pack chocolate cupcakes -yum!

  82. My husband and I went out for supper, no kids, and the best part no dishes. I had the fish. I'd love to be able to have the Candy too.

  83. Wow, very nice blog candy! So we are having tofu and rice for dinner (sorry ... I am a vegetarian).

  84. wow, congratulations, we are having take away chinese, too many cards to make to be cooking dinner. Andrea. W.

  85. caught me on a crummy dinner night. My husband wanted the leftovers from when we went out for Chinese food on his birthday, so I'm fixing myself a bowl of bean with bacon soup. Maybe I can have that chocolate blog candy for dessert? LOL

    Congrats on all your hits:) It's no surprise, your blog is so much fun.
    Linda SS

  86. Well, we had an easy dinner. Loaded baked potatoes with veggies. We usually buy the frozen mixed veggies, microwave everthing, add a little cheese and it's a great dinnner. Thanks for sharing!

  87. I will probably finish leftover whole wheat angel hair pasta with spaghetti sauce, zucchini, and yellow squash.
    But what sounds really good is the Crustless Broccoli Quiche that I saw in another comment. I'll be trying that soon.

  88. What fun!! Thanks for hosting this.

    Supper tonightwhen I got home from work was just a salad before we rushed out the door to go to Sam's Club to do a little shopping. Before we left, I also had 1 slice of their everything pizza.

    I'm on a kick with salads lately, a friend of mine had me over and sprinkled dried fruit over the lettuce. I added my salad dressing and loved how the sweetness tasted with the dressing and lettuce. Now I don't want to eat a salad with out the little dried fruit bits!!

  89. Supper last night (Wed 4-4) was steak. I marinated in leftover coffee and olive oil and some dry onion flakes.

    We had frozen peas and baked potatoes. I love the Hidden Valley Ranch Dip mixed in Sour Cream. I add that to my Potato AND Steak.

    To be fair you said what is dinner TONIGHT: well tonight (4-5) I do not know as I am going to my sisters for Easter.

  90. Chicken and rice tonight!

  91. Of course we want to see your work. You're terrific! Tonight isn't so inspiring in the dinner department. I'm having meatloaf (my husband's favorite), rice, gravy and sugar snap peas. Thanks for sharing your art!

  92. Chicken Fajitas !!!! I love Them I make it at least once every 2 weeks !!!I usually make it with Rice...just with veggies and mushroom soup Yummy !!!!

  93. Wonderful BLOG candy! For dinner we had I guess you would call it a casserole ~ I make egg noodles, then I take forzen meatballs and a can of cream of mushroom soup, mix them all together and bake in the oven for 350 for an hour.
    Jenny Wrona

  94. What am I having for dinner? Leftover roast beef and smashed garlic potatoes, mixed veggies. Easy dinner to fix.

    Fantastic blog candy. Congratulations on your 50,000 hits.
    Julie R

  95. tonight we are having fish, not because i like it but because it's supposedly good for you. Here's a recipe that I do like:

    Sophia's Chicken and Fruit Salad

    1 Combine in large bowl: 6 cups cooked, chopped chicken; 16 oz. cooked bow-tie pasta;l ¼ cup green onions
    2 In separate bowl, mix: 2 cup mayonnaise (not Miracle Whip); 16 oz coleslaw dresssing; juice from the pineapple listed below;
    3 Mix and chill. Add: 1 can pineapple tidbits; 1 cup diced celery; 2 cups green and red seedless grapes; 1 small bag slivered almonds;

    Servings: 10

    I make this often...especially for huge crowds and/or showers.

  96. I actually didn't make dinner yesterday, I've been sick so my mom has been making all the meals, but last week when I made dinner I made Chicken Pot Pie. Its always so warm and yummy, I add chichken, peas, carrots, celery, chichen stock, and dumplings...yum! Wonderful candy, thanks for offering it!

  97. Awesome blog candy! Tonight I will be making an elegant looking but simple to make dinner of pork tenderloin in puff pastry. I season the tenderloin with salt and pepper and sear it in a pan on the stove - just to brown the outside and keep the juices in. After it is brown all over (but not cooked through) I slather dijon mustard over the whole thing and place it on a rolled out puff pastry sheet. I roll the tenderloin up in the puff pastry, sealing all of the edges and then bake it in a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes or until done (different ovens vary). When it comes out it is a gorgeous golden brown and people think you spent a lot of time making it. Yummy!

  98. Here's one of my favourite dishes...quick and easy to make!


    Coarse salt and ground pepper
    1 lb. gemelli or other short curly pasta
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 lb. peeled and deveined medium shrimp
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 1/4 cups plain low-fat yogurt
    1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
    1/2 cup loosely packed fresh mint, finely chopped
    1/3 cup kalamata olives, pitted and coarsely chopped

    1.In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta until al dente, according to package instructions; drain.

    2.Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add shrimp, season with salt and pepper. Cook until just opaque throughout, about 3 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl.

    3.Add garlic and 2 tablespoons water to skillet, and cook until the garlic is tender, scraping up any bits from bottom of pan, about 2 minutes. Transfer to bowl with shrimp.

    4.Add the pasta, yogurt, lemon juice, mint, and olives; season with salt and pepper. Toss to combine.

  99. oh, I hope it's me! I just got a Cuttlebug and only have 1 embossing folder! Ok, dinner, well I never know until about 4:30 but probably something with hamburger - we haven't had goulash in a while. Now since I live in Maine, they call it American Chop Suey but we grew up calling it goulash. Basically, just hamburg, onions, tomatoes, sauce & elbow macaroni. Nothing exciting I'm afraid!

  100. What great blog candy!I never know what to make for dinner,I really don,t like to cook.So tonight we are having chicken,all you do is place chicken breast in 1cup bbq sauce,2tbs marmalade,and 1tbs brown sugar,place in cassorole dish bake at 350.That,s it easy and good to.

  101. winning this would be the push I need to purchase a cuttlebug! Dinner tonight is fried rice.

    I pre-cook some rice in the morning and then just before it is time to eat, heat up my wok, fry some ground spicy sausage until brown, remove the sausage and scramble a couple of eggs, breaking them up a bit, remove them, add some peanut oil, and stir fry bean sprouts, chopped green onion, broccoli, water chestnuts, thawed frozen peas. When the veggies are done, put the cooked meat and egg back in the pan, add the rice and heat everything up. Add some soy sauce and it's ready! I serve it with chopped cashew nuts and chopped fresh tomato and lemon pepper-really yummy!

  102. Great blog candy & congrats on the 50,000 mark! Oh goodness it's to early in the day (8:00 am) to know what I'm fixing for dinner. Something light though as hubby hasn't been feeling well. Ida

  103. Congrats of 50,000! And great blog candy! But I didn't fix dinner, we went out to eat!

  104. This is hilarious, since I just asked my daughter what she wanted for dinner. Now note it's nothing special, just kielbasa sausage with green beans and potatoes cooked with it. Thanks for the great offer of blog candy.

  105. Congrats! Awesome Chocolate :~}

    Since today is Holy Thursday, we are not supposed to eat meat for the next 3 days until Easter Sunday.

    So......the menu will probably be tuna/cream of mushroom soup on toast. Simple, but the kids will eat it as we have mass tonight at 7pm.

  106. Hi Kelly,
    You little temptrous! Yummy blog candy!
    We are having pizza, birthday cake, ice cream and 15, eighteen year old girls tonight. Our Spring Break starts tomorrow. We are celebrating our daughters 18th birthday. So yeah! I am not cooking! Did I forget to mention that her cake is.....chocolate?
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  107. COOL! Since I work a Part time job after I am done working my Full time job I always try to put something in the crock for my guys!
    I take one package of dry onion soup mix and two cans of creme of mushroom condensed soup and mix together. Put a chuck roast into the crock, pour soup mix on top of the meat, cover and cook on low for 8 hours. Yummie. I sometimes add carrots and onions. But no time this morning.
    Thank you for hosting and great blog!

  108. Tonights menu is Barbecued Rib Steak, baked potato, tossed lettuce salad and garlic toast.
    Dessert is Banana Bars.
    All this will be preceeded by a bottle of homemade Shiraz Wine (shared of course).
    I look forward to your updates in my email. Beautiful Work!! Thanks for sharing!!

  109. Wow! what a great treat. I'll give you one right back, a great recipe. I really enjoy seeing all the beautiful projects you have. Keep up the good work.
    TamalePie Peggy Parenteau

    1 lb ground beef 8 oz can tomato sauce
    1 pkg flour tortillas 4 ½ oz can ripe olives,sliced
    1 onion, chopped 1 ½ c shredded cheddar cheese
    2 tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper
    1 cup hot water 1 tbls chili powder

    Cook meat with onion, salt, pepper, chili powder. Add tomato sauce and olives. In a 9 x 13 pan, alternate layers: tortilla shells, meat mixture, cheese, ending with tortilla shells on top. Pour hot water over all, when ready to bake. Bake 400 for 20 minutes or until water absorbed. For easier layering, cut tortilla shells in half, putting the cut half to the outside of the pan

  110. wow, that is some yummy chocolate! What are we doing for dinner, well we are taking cheese and garlic filled tortollini and cooking it, then after it is cooked we are covering it with alfredo sauce and parm cheese..should be super yummy!

  111. WOW! Congratulations, thanks for sharing all your wonderful creations (esp the punch animals!) I still need to use my CB I bought about a month ago!! Anyway - we WERE going to go to dinner after we closed on selling our home, BUT DH let me know it's postponed until Mon (UGH) So now I'm not sure what we're having!
    Here's a recipe for you that I know by heart, it's a twist on the traditional spaghetti (which I see a lot here) it's Chili Spaghetti!

    brown 1 lb ground beef
    1 chopped onion
    1 bell pepper

    19 oz chili (no beans)
    1 can mushroom soup (not cream of mushroom)
    1 can tomato soup

    Combine with cooked spaghetti & top with shredded cheddar cheese & bake for about 40 mins.


  112. First I want to say Congratulations on 50,000+ hits!

    We are having chicken for dinner. A friend of mine made this and it's SO good. And this is coming from an extremely picky eater!!!

    Here's the recipe:

    Saucy Apricot Chicken
    6 boneless skinless chix breasts
    2 jars (12 ounces) apricot preserves
    1 envelope onion soup mix
    Hot cooked rice

    Place chicken in a slow cooker. Combine the preserves and soup mix (I did add a bit of water) and spoon over chicken. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or until tender. Serve over rice. 6 servings

  113. Oh my... If I win I will have to go out and buy a CB.. isn't that too bad!!!
    I just love all the items you show on your blog.
    Dinner..I forgot all about making dinner..I guess spaghetti and salad will have to do (it's my favorite anyway!).

  114. Awesome Giveaway!

    Tonight I am making Chicken and Dumplings, Salad and Garlic Bread! :)

  115. Let me look in my handy dandy recipe book, and see, let's try this one......

    Subway sandwiches, buy one get one free coupon.

    Sounds good to me. ;)

    Great blog chocolate, thanks for sharing.

  116. Try this one.... a new favorite for our family and easy as can be!
    Just me and hubby tonight so I am not making it, but have it on my menu to make soon!

  117. Holy moly! This is awesome! I'm making Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with leftover noodles from a pasta dish earlier in the week. Can't throw away the leftovers because I need to keep my grocery budget under control so I can buy more stamps! :) Thanks for the chance!

  118. Wow that is quite an awesome giveaway!
    Tonight I will be dining on Sesame Noodle with Chicken..Total Yummo!

  119. Tonight we're having enchilada casserole. Much easier than real enchiladas and just as tasty...Thanks!

  120. Wow! What a generous giveaway!! And a fun question for everyone to answer too! We're having quesedillas (sp?)- flour tortillas, cheese and seasoned meat with a few sides. Thanks!!

  121. Awesome chocolate!!!
    Tonite we are having beefaroni! 1lb hamburger, 1/2 box mac noodles, 3 cans condensed tomato soup, seasonings to taste.
    Cook up the hamburger and boil the macaroni noodles. Mix all together w/ the 3 cans of tomato soup (undiluted) Fastest meal my kids will ever enjoy!!! I like mine w/ grated cheddar on top!
    ~Lana B.~
    lanastamps on SCS

  122. WOW!!! Congrats!!! Great blog candy! I love your blog and all of the super things you create. I especially like the hippo!

    I celebrate Passover so tonight will be Matzo Ball soup, chicken, a salad and broccoli.

    Thanks for this post. I read everyones recipes and dinner suggestions. I now have enough dinner ideas for weeks!!!!

  123. wow - what a great give-away! congrats on the hits!! that's amazing. i also want to say that i've been really admiring all your paper-crafted creatures! its impressive how you are creating those!

    let's see - for dinner - well probably something easy like KRAFT mac'n cheese. something my son will enjoy. :-) might mix in some steamed broccoli too.

    have a great week!
    Beth (mommy to a busy 3 1/2 year old)

  124. Chicken and rice for us. Although I'm not feeling well so maybe I'll make my DH make spagetti or something he can handle. (thinks he can't cook chicken)

  125. It's chicken soup (homemade), salad and fresh bread for dinner tonight. Yummy on a cool evening. Great blog candy. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful creations

  126. I am making Japanese noodle soup wit htofu. It will have slices of carrots, spinach leaves, garlic, and the noodles are whole wheat with Pacific vegetable broth-this is much thicker than normal vegetable broth. I will float a few deep fried wonton skins on top. This soup is so thick, its like a stew. Spicy and so good.

  127. WOW - what great blog candy! Thanks for sharing! I subscribe to and they email recipes each day... tonight I'm trying this one: Tomato Chicken Parmesan.
    Here's a link:

  128. OOOOOOh, I love the Cuttlebug embossing folders!!! Tonight is Turkey Chili ... yum!


  130. Tonight we are having roasted chicken (pre-cooked), a salad, and cheddar cheese bagels.

  131. Congrats on the milestone!! Woohoo!! But we all love comin' to see what's new, so it's not all that surprising ;0)

    What's for dinner? Well we are off to the bank to ask for some money, so...if all goes well maybe we will go out tonight...otherwise...I have no idea!! How sad is that??

  132. What's for dinner tonight? Pizza. By the end of the week, theres not much left.

  133. woo hoo! tonight I am making stuffed bell peppers. Growing up, my husband used to call it monkey brains (maybe that's how my MIL got her 5 boys to eat veggies! lol) I'm doing the quick & easy way... cook up a box of Zatarrain's spanish rice mix, according to instructions... mix in 1 lb of cooked ground beef. Cut the tops off of 4 bell peppers & clean.. then spoon in the rice & meat mixture & bake covered for about 30-45 min at 350 (I think) ... my husband likes to eat his with sour cream, but you can also top with tomato sauce... yummy!

  134. We had the stew that my lovely husband put in the slow cooker this morning. He cut up steak and veggies, and added water and BBQ sauce.
    It was yummy- like your blog choccies!

  135. Tonight we are having Sausage biscuits and gravy. Yum! Thanks for the chance to win.
    Lori Faeber

  136. Tonight it is cold here again so we are having vegetable soup made with the usual vegetables and beef.

    Nice blog candy, thanks for the chance to win.

  137. Nothing exciting for dinner - just tacos. With lots of cheeeeeese and sour cream!! yum-o!
    Thanks for the yummy chocolate!!

  138. Tonight I made Pork Fried Rice from scratch & store bought eggrolls.
    Thanks for offering great candy!!

  139. OH Kelly what a awesome blog chocolate candy :-) .. Oh it would be so awesome to add thses to my Huge collection of 4 embossing envelopes hee! hee! .. I so love your punched goodies and your teddy bear /Bunny is adorable ..
    What an a inspritiation you are to us Stampers , as for my dinner took the easy route tonight and went to moms house and had a roast and all the fixin's since hubby has left it seems I Have be getting out of cooking a typical dinner every night..
    Dawn Griffith

  140. Wow! Very generous giveaway!

    Tonight we had lamb cutlets with a brown sugar, garlic, ginger, and soy sauce glaze, asparagus, and cooked cubed yams. It was very tasty!!

  141. Wow! I just bought a Cuttlebug and have no templates so this is a super opportunity and a very generous giveaway!
    Supper tonight consisted of burgers done on our George Foreman Grill, Baked Potatoes, Sting beans, and a tossed salad. It's all about the points. I'm a new Weight Watchers member and boy am I going to miss the bunny dropping by with his usual goodies this weekend. LOL
    Hoppy Easter All.

  142. I made scallops. I am from New England and try to have fresh fish at least once a week. I saute mine in garlic and butter. I also made brown rice (better for you than white rice they say) salad and
    a vegetable.

  143. I made spaghetti with turkey meatballs, tossed green salad and garlic bread. Isn't the Cuttlebug wonderful?

  144. Not very exciting but two frozen pizzas. Just renovating our teenage son's bedroom and in between the painting and laminate floor installation, not very motivated to cook! Recipe's really easy . . . unpack, put in hot oven, set timer and eat when it rings :)

  145. Congrats on the number of hits 50,000 is NO small number! You are offering up some Awesome blog candy. Fridays is a no cook night for us, we order pizza. Last night DH did the cooking and it was yummers. He breads ground veal, tops them off with tomato and chesse and sticks them under broiler for a minute or two. Great dinner as tasty as your blog CANDY!


  146. WOW! Congrat on fifty thou.Holy Smackeral!
    Today is Friday and Good Friday for us Catholics at that.. I don't eat a stitch of Seafood... ever!
    So for my family of six tongiht, with 4 kids ages 4, , 10 and 16 myhusband canI count himas a id too?? lol
    Anyway my famous Macaroni and cheese.
    I use only Barilla Pasta.. Got a machine to make my own and it's only seen Sculpey ( I have problems. I know! lol)
    So the BArilla pasta of your choise gets doen Al Dente... MElt 3 Tablespoons Butter in Saucepan over low heat, add 3 Tablespoons of Regular Flour, Slt, pepper and whick the heck out of it.. whenit's a nice ball add 2 cups of grated Sharp Cheddar (white formykids) , 1/2 cup fresh grated Assiago (nice bite here) a handful of grated Romano or Parmesan and 2 1/2 cups of milk. If the kids aren't looking I add a teaspoon of Worcestshire sauce,, not worth the hassle if they are cooking wiht me :}
    Whisk the heck ou tof till it's all melted and nice and gooey.. Oh add 1/2 cup heavy cream if you dare :}
    Spray 10x 13 pan with olive oil, I have my own pump from Pampered Chef or Marshalls. Then toss your pasta in, salt well with fresh grated salt & paeer. Pour the gooey cheese sauce over it, mix into it if desired. The top with 4 Tablespoons Italian Bread Crumb, I buy them :} Add bits of real creamy butter to the top to brown so nicely :} Paprika will do the trick if you must save calories.

    Bake at 350 degrees farenahiet for 30 minutes till bubbly and browned on the top...

    Serve with a crusty bread that you dip into EVOO ( Extra Virgin Olive Oil, or my new favorite Grapeseed Oil . To make the bread dip you need ground cayanne pepper, salt, minced garlic (raw), add to oil of you choice and dip away.. Kid friendly, Kid tested & Kid approved by my 2 boy andn 2 girls, some of whom are the fussiest children on earth when it comes to food. Enjoy!!
    PS please have chocolate for dessert. A quick trat for mykids is totake a small container of Cool Whip and add with a plastic spatula a small box of Jello Chocolate cookpuddingmix, fold it in slowly but well and you have a delish quick kid friendly Chocolate Mousse. They get theirs served in a Red wine glass(wider) with tall spoons and feel special. Hugs KimK
    Happy Easter.

  147. Paula says I made Denny's for dinner! My hubby is in the hospital and I didn't want to cook, so my sister and I went to Denny's instead. NO clean up that way!
    I just love your blog!!

  148. Basic dinner tonight. Whole wheat spaghetti with turkey meatballs. I brown the meatballs and soak them in the marinara sauce for the afternoon. yummy.

  149. WOW! For dinner tonight will be baked chicken, potatoes and carrots. I throw chicken breasts, potatoes, carrots, onions and a can of diced tomatoes into a Pampered Chef baker and add seasoning of some sort. Then I bake for 2 hours and dinner is DONE. Sides, main dish and all in about 5 minutes prep! Gotta love easy!

  150. Congrats on your BIG milestone. I love checking in your blog.
    Friday's we always order Pizza from Papa Johns. Got to love that pizza!

  151. Great blog chocolate!!! Actually, dinner tonight is pretty simple... my two oldest DD's are at a sleep over and my 11month old only requires a bottle for supper! :).... and I guess it's sandwich night for me & DH!
    Dina Anderson

  152. I had leftover mac-n-cheese...but my fave thing to play with in the kitchen lately is chicken breast covered in "stuff" I can find in my cabinets. This week I mixed ranch dressing, sour cream, and parmesan cheese, then put my chicken in it and stab it with a fork and it stews in the "stuff" before I cook them. Not too exciting, but fun to experiment. in case I win :)

  153. I want and I will share Grandma McFadden's Chocolate cookies with real fudge frosting; but I can not lay my hands on my handwritten recipe book of my favorte recipes. As soon as I find it, I will email the recipe to you. The recipe is more than 75 years old and the cookies are so good. My girls and I baked them as Christmas gifts for the McFadden side of the family after Grandma was unable to bake.

  154. Tonight for dinner was Stuffed Shells, salad with Bonefish Grill's Citrus Herb vinigarette and Corn bread (my son's contribution!) One son is home from Chicago and the other decided to grace us with his presence unexpectedly at dinner! Our table was to love it! Hope I win your Blog chocolate!


  155. I made take-out!!! Chinese take-out to be exact!! :)

  156. I am making raw macaroni & chicken casserole
    & lettuce salad with vinegar & oil .

    Recipe for raw macaroni & chicken casserole
    2 cups cooked diced chicken
    1/2 green pepper diced
    1 small onion diced
    1 can cream of chicken soup
    1 can cream of mushroom soup
    2 c milk
    1 pkg macaroni ( 7 oz.) UNCOOKED
    1 can pimiento diced
    10 oz, cheddar cheese diced

    Put in a 9 X 13 casserole pan & cover with buttered bread crumbs

    Put in refrigerator overnight
    Bake for 1 1/4 hrs @ 350

    If you don't like pimientos or green pepper leave it out no big deal.

    Hope you enjoy let me know

  157. Tonite will be very easy. My kids are on spring break at their dad's so maybe Dairy Queen or chinese.
    Next week I have to start cooking again. ;(

    Great blog chocolate!

  158. CONGRATS ON ALL THE HITS!! tonight we are going to red lobster for dinner.. Yum yum.... Love yhose cheddar bay biscuits fawn

  159. Wohooo for the posts girl!
    I posted something and it went awol!
    Anyhow a quick "food" idea from yesterday and one for today. Yesterday my friend gathered 10 couples. Each couple was given a recipe when they arrived and made a dish. It was an Indonesian themed meal. During the "cook off" someone came around with appetizers. When it was all said and done, the hosts collected a minimum charge and additional donations. They covered the cost of their food and raised money for the MS society. IT was SOOOO much fun!
    Ok so tonight's meal is "beer butt chicken". I always laugh when I tell people that. But seriously it is tasty. We purchased a can stand (made specifically for this at Superstore) and place a can of beer (or juice/non-alcoholic beer/cider/brine etc) and whole chicken on the BBQ for roughly an hour (depends on the BBQ and the size of the chicken). It is SOOO tasty!
    Alli Miles

  160. We are having lasagna, because I am feeding our family of 6 PLUS 5 extras... but the original plan was to have this....

    Crockpot Garlic Basil Chicken
    6 skinless boneless chicken breast
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    1 head of garlic separated into cloves and peeled
    1 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, basil and olive oil, undrained.
    1/2 cup chicken broth
    Salt and Pepper to taste
    1/4 cup basil pesto

    Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper, and heat oil in skillet over medium high heat. Cook chicken just until browned on all sides. Remove from heat.

    Place chicken and garlic in crockpot. Pour tomatoes and broth over chicken.

    Add a bit more salt and pepper

    Cover and cook on low 7 - 8 hours or until chicken is cooked, tender, and falling apart.

    Serve chicken and sauce over a bed of brown rice and a dollup of the basil pesto on top.

  161. We would you settle for homemade meatloaf, oven baked potatoes and shoepeg corn...Salad and brownies for dessert. Love your blog..Am going to subscribe. Hope I win!

  162. Wow, awesome blog Chocolate! lol...We had homemade pizza, we were going to go out, but it's blizzarding here in Halifax, so we stayed in! Yummy!!! Good company, good food, what more could you ask for!!
