Friday, March 23, 2007

Lilac Blossoms!!

Who doesn't love lilac blossom..........they smell so nice. Here where I live the grow in abundance, so in mid spring, our town is thick with the sweet fragrance of lilacs. So in anticipation of lilac season, I was inspired to make this card.

What grows in your towns? I'd sure like to know what your town has in abundance!

To make this card I marked one long end at 3" and the other side at 5.5", lined up the marks in the cutter and cut. So you would actually be cutting on a diagonal. Then I scored at 4.25" from the tall side, and scored again at 3.75" from the first score line not from the end. Then I used a piece of scrunched up plastic and Mellow Moss ink to sponge on the back ground color. Stamped the blossom and leave images, mounted on card stock and added ribbon!

Thank you to all for your wonderful suggestions on how to add to Dora to Megan's clothes, you came up with some super ideas!!

On another note I am on the hunt for some of those white target $1 spot mailboxes, I would like between 5-10, as we don't have a target here in Canada so if you can help drop me an email and let me know. Email can be found on the sidebar.

Supplies: Blossoms Abound stamps set, Lovely Lilac, VV, card stock, Lovely Lilac, Almost Amethyst, Old Olive, Mellow Moss, and Always Artichoke inks, Ribbon.


  1. How pretty! I love that fold and those flowers are very pretty.

  2. Terrific looking card...such a neat design!

  3. What an awesome card/layout idea!

    You rock on sister!

    Have you tried Target online?

  4. Wow - What an absolutely beautiful card. Gorgeous execution. Linda

  5. This is a BEAUTIFUL Card! Great layout and Colors....Rochester is famous for their lilacs! TFS!

  6. Your card is gorgeous and I love your watermark, too! Very nice!

  7. That is a delicious card! Just stunning. TFS!

  8. I absolutely love this card - it is such a wonderful design!!!! Yes, the smell of lilacs -- nothing is better!!! And your card brings that magnificent scent to me right here and now, even though the frangance of lilacs will not be here for some time yet. Thanks for this gorgeous creation!!!
