Saturday, March 17, 2007

Bloggers RAK from Dawn

I got a Blogger's RAK from Dawn Griffith from Dawns Stamping Thoughts !Thank you so much dawn this is one of my most favorite sets!! Dawn makes the most beautiful cards you have to check out her blog!!
I love the fold of this card I'm going to have to try on for myself.

If you would like to join the SCS Bloggers Club you first need to be a member of the SCS RAK group and you can enter here SCS RAK Group then here is the link for the Bloggers RAK Club

The Dimensions for dawns card are 11" x 4 1/4" score @ 2", 3 3/4", 7 1/4" and 9"

1 comment:

  1. Can you post the dimensions to this card? I would love to make one of these. Dawn did an awesome job

