Thursday, March 01, 2007

Colorful Blossoms

For this card I went totally outside my comfort zone, I have never used Ruby Red or Morning Marigold before let alone together! But I actually like the contrast!! WhooooHoooo growth!!! LMBO!!

I just have to take a minute and tell you about my day yesterday! No not so much a good day, but not quite a bad day, more like a frustrating pity party kind of day. so it starts off that I need to take hubby to work because his ride was taking the day off, YUCK driving around in the snow at 6am who wants to do that? So I wake the girls up get everyone in the car and drive off at the crack of dawn or might i even go so far as to say dawn had not yet cracked!!......LOL! So we drop him off get back home get the girls ready for school, showers, breakfast, make lunches etc. I drop the kids off at school and go back home to get myself ready for the Dr's appointment that I have at 9am.

OK here's where it goes south! I check in at the desk and look around there is 7 people in the waiting room!!! 9am 7 people???? What the???? OK so I wait oh but before I forget to mention the offices were loaded as well!! So I begin my wait thinking I have the first appointment of the day and I half a half hour as he operative word here HE the DR wanted me to get a complete exam not I but HE!! So as people are done being examined she fills the room up with other people!


How does this happen!! so after 1 hour of waiting I finally say what is going on here? The receptionist says just 2 more and it will be your turn, I ask how people are being seen before me, she says they are all ready for this!! SQUEEZE INS!!!

They don't have appointments!!!

Well I see now, appointment = nothing why bother!! I had waited 1 month for this appointment! OK so no I'm getting ready to spit nails! When another woman comes in and the receptionist says I to her, not to me, I'll put you in next!

ARRRG! What! Hello do I not exist??

I stood up and said NO!! OOPS did that actually come out of my mouth! Well yes it did and I'm not taking it back! I continued to tell her I was tired of waiting it was now 10:30 and I was all out of patience. I told her that every time I came this or something like this happens to me and I would probably have to go in search of a new Dr. soon one that honors appointments! I tell her skip the complete have him read back the blood work and I will be on my way, when the phone rings it is the Dr. telling her that there is now not enough time to do a complete, she says we have already discussed that, and he agrees to see me next.


I'm going to be a foot away from this man BREATHE, I want to just attack him at this point (hormonal today YA think?) ! So he proceeds to tell me about my blood work and determines that he should put me on cholesterol medicine and i say no the internists yes plural said no, not ever in your 30's unless absolutely necessary! OK so here it goes I have NO good cholesterol, but my BAD cholesterol is good?? I know it has been like this for years, don't know why but the specialists are not concerned, so neither am I.

So he rereads the letter stating to put me on medicine then looks at my thyroid and says it's a little low, just like my daughter! Actually we were prescribed the same dose. For me this is a relief I have been telling him for years that there was something wrong with it!! I have every symptom in the book!!

But I digress..............! So by the time I leave the office it is nearing 11:30 2 and a half hours and I was the first appointment of the day!

Then................. I get to the pharmacy and the pharmacist're gonna love this can I come pick up my
prescription later in the afternoon they are backed up!!! No way!! I say to the pharmacist you have got to be kidding me! He says no Dr. W my Dr. has so many patients filling prescriptions this morning that they are totally backed up! I say fine I'll be back later jump in the car and say a prayer for patience....LOL! The rest of my day was somewhat better......thankfully!

Supplies used: Blossoms Abound, Floral Background and Fancy Flexible Phrases, Morning Marigold, Ruby Red, Old Olive, and WW Card stock, Morning Marigold, Ruby Red, and Old Olive Ink, Word Window Punch, Brads, Ribbon, and Dimensionals.


  1. Very nice layout. I have the window punch, but never seem to put it to use. I like how you have them folder over in each corner with the brads. Maybe, I might get motivated enough to case this.

  2. This looks terrific...I love the color combo! Sorry about your doctor recently dumped us so I have to find a new one (he left private practice to work at the hospital). In Calgary with the population growth this will be a scary endeavor!

  3. Kelly, I think you handled that quite gracefully considering the circumstances. I would have been livid right along with you. That's challenging when your Dr. doesn't respect your time, or you for that matter! great card btw, I LOVE this color combo - very elegant ;)

  4. GORGEOUS card!! Love the colors!

  5. Great card! Boy do I have some Dr. stories for you. My husband had heart surgery & every time we visit the cardiologist we're there for at least 4-5 hrs. I keep thinking this is not good to keep heart patients waiting so long they'll be really angry - but every patient of his I have talked to has the same experience. Once our appt. was at 2pm - we were there after 6 - all the receptionists went home & locked the doors. He called us in about 30 minutes later! At least we don't have to go very often!!!

  6. I love the new look of your blog! Especially the chocolate colored print! LOL!
    Gina K.

  7. Well, let me first say that the card is divine...the best, very best card I've ever seen using that set!

    Secondly, your day was the pits! I'm so sorry. Get a new doctor!

  8. Im sorry your day started off like it did. And even more sorry that your Doctor's office stinks at scheduling. Honestly I would find a new doctor because that is totally not necessary to treat patients like that. Your card is great! Thank you for sharing your day and your card...:)

  9. I'm so sorry you had such a bad day! I know it's hard to find a new doctor, but maybe if this keeps on you should.
    I Love your card. Love the color choices. What can I say, I have used those colors together and really like them.

  10. oh, i just read this about the dr. visit!! what a crummy deal!! that is just not right! however, i would have demanded he go ahead and do the full exam--it was not your fault he didn't have enough time! now you will have to make another appt for that later and have to wait some more!! maybe you could call at the last minute and they could "squeeze you in"!!! haha!! anyway, i hope you're health is getting better with the new medications!!!
