Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chocolate Thief!

For this Chocolate Sunday, I decided the I would finally break into my Basic Grey Blush Paper pack, I love how dark and rich the dark brown is. An who could resist those chocolates, not me, I would have eaten a whole one, not just a bite.....ROTFLMBO!!!

I guess you have all noticed the sudden increase of chocolate in the stores, gotta love Easter, and all the chocolate that comes with, I'm finding it hard to resist, if I buy it too early it will all be gone **wink**, and I'll have to buy it again, and again just to fill the kids baskets......LOL! Don't we all have this problem?

Top 10 Reasons why Chocolate is Better than S*x:

When you have chocolate it does not keep you neighbors awake.
You are never too young or too old for chocolate.
Good chocolate is not hard to find.
With chocolate there's no need to fake it.
You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
You can have chocolate on top of your desk during office hours without upsetting your co-workers.
The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.
You can GET chocolate.

Supplies: Pretty in Pink, WW, and Basic Grey Bush card stock, Oh So Sweet, and Fancy Flexible Phrases stamp sets, Chocolate Chip ink,Brads, Ribbon, CuttleBug, Markers, Corner rounder and Dimesionals.


  1. Kelly you do such neat stuff with this set. I put that set in my "sell" pile of stamps but am starting to rethink that idea now after seeing your fun cards! Ida

  2. Kelly,
    What a wonderful card. You and your husband both amuse and delight me with your creations and your awesome senses of humor!

  3. Love the cupcakes. Yet another creative way to use the corner rounder punch! Cute bunnies, too.


  4. Adorable card!

  5. Those bunnies are just too cute!! I'm trying to stay away from all that Easter chocolate - cadbury mini eggs are my weakness!

  6. I just discovered your blog. What a cool site! I love your cards and projects (the little animals are too cute and I love the pig card), and couldn't love someone who adores chocolate? I'll be back to check out future posts.

  7. Love your blog, Kelly and have added a link to here on my blog at Please come visit and let me know you've been there.

  8. Love your site and your sense of humor about chocolate! Your creations are fantastic too! I would love to add a link to your blog from mine. Smiles, Pam
