Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cherry Blossoms

This card was created for todays Sketch Challenge on SCS if you would like to try it out you can do so here Sketch Challenge 117 . I don't really know about this card, I think I like it but not totally sure, it feels like it is missing something. It won't be long before all the cherry trees are covered with those tiny pink blossoms and that intoxicating scent!

I want to send out a huge Thank You to Erika Martin AKA Stampin Mama!! I'm not sure if you noticed the Autism badge on my sidebar, well Erika made the first donation!! All donations are going to the Autism Society Of America! A wonderful organization!! I know Erika also has a badge on her site if you haven't checked out her blog you better get over there she is a fantastic artist! Erika Martin Designs

Another thing I would to mention is Gina's Giveaway a Scalloped Punch everyday!! Get over there and enter!! Gina K Designs

One more thing........ I know I'm rambling! LMBO!! If you would like to be added to my blog roll call on the sidebar or you have added me and would like me to add you leave a message in this post letting me know your blog address I would love to check it out and add it to my list!

Supplies: Trees three, Fancy flexible phrases, Certainly celery, Pretty in Pink, Creamy caramel, Close to Cocoa, Chocolate chip, and WW card stock, Chocolate chip ink, Ticket punch, Brads, Dimensionals, Cuttlebug, Embossing powder, Word window punch, and Ribbon


  1. This is just beautiful...I was thinking about using this stamp set for the challenge too!

  2. Hi. I added your link to my blog. My blog address is Thanks for your inspiration!!

  3. *GASP* NO FREAKIN' WAY!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS just the way it is!! Don't go changin' anything. Oh just totally made me incredibly sorry that I didn't buy this set. This is so beautiful!! So, like, I can't get this set anymore, right? I think it was in the last mini catty. Can you make another and send to ME?!! Ok, gotta be fair...I know, Lol!!
