Saturday, February 17, 2007

We Have A Winner!!!!

After drawing a name, the winner is.................................Marie! Marie please send me your snail mail addy and I will get this out to you this week. Thanks to all who entered T really enjoyed all you embarrassing moments stories, they left us laughing......ROTFLMBO! Here is Marie's post!

Marie said...

I've had plenty of embarrassing moments but the one I remember clearly - because my husband will not let me live it down - is bringing home guacamole mix for my husband. I thought you just needed to add water to it - it turns out you need avocados too! No I didn't read the directions...

What can I say - I don't cook!

I also embarrass my kids all the time by saying BRAS in the mall too loud and holding hands with my 11 yo boy!

You can visit Marie's Blog here Marie Loves To Stamp

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