Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Looky Here!!

Look what the postman brought me!! I had a great mail day!! I am so excited my cuttlebug is here!! OMGoodness! **Insert happy dance here** she says grinning from ear to ear!! I am going to have fun playing, hopefully I will be able to find sometime today between a dentist appointment for me and a Dr's appointment for Stephanie, who is now 12, her birthday was yesterday! Wow can't believe we now have a "TWEEN" in our house, it all seem so unreal!

On another note I thought you might enjoy this little story I got in my email.


A neighbor of a newly wed couple was worried when she didn't hear her rather noisy neighbors for a while. A few days later, she peered through their letterbox and through the windows. But there was no sign of anyone. Concerned for the young couple, she called the police. The officers promptly broke down the door, then searched the house. Only to find the young women gagged and tied to the bed. Her husband was lying unconscious on the floor, wearing a Superman Outfit. They later explain that they had been engaged in a superhero role-playing fantasy, and the costumed husband had knocked himself out attempting to jump onto his wife from atop the dresser. Of course, the woman was unable to help him!


  1. OMG!!! That would b what would prob happen to me too .......LOL
    Thanks for sharing !!!! Too cute..

  2. Congrats on the cuttlebug! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Nice job on your crisscross card too!

  3. Yikes...that story is too funny...what makes it even better is that it is true. Glad to hear they were allright...thanks for making my evening....teee,heee,hee

  4. fantastic mail day! enjoy your new toys!

  5. Hi Kelly,
    Did you get your bug from the place I told you about? I love mine and they also have cheap folders. Have a great day!
    Heather B
