Sunday, January 28, 2007

Chocolate: Luscious, Lumpy. Load of Love......

…And oh how we all love it . Someone (a friends husband) recently said to me that they didn’t understand why “Us Women” love chocolate so much , and that comment really upset me, it should be obvious why we love it so much , but for “Those People” (men) whom don’t get it , here goes…lol.
It only makes sense to start off with a great quote from a great character , Forrest gump immortalized by Tom Hanks "Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get." everyone knows everything Tom Hanks says is right , we love Tom. Life without chocolate is like a beach without water. Chocolate is nature’s way of making up for Mondays. They say man cannot live on chocolate alone; but woman sure can. There are four basic food groups-milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles. Chocolate in the morning is what makes moms get through their day! If not for chocolate, there would be no need for control top pantyhose. An entire garment industry would be devastated. Chocolate builds character , strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands-and then eat just one of the pieces. The chocoholics 12-step program: NEVER BE MORE THAN 12 STEPS AWAY FROM CHOCOLATE .I could give up chocolate but I'm not a quitter. Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don’t need an appointment. I know all I really need is love, and I have that, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt. I have this theory that chocolate slows down the aging process.... It may not be true, but do I dare take the chance? Chocolate causes certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones that affect your feelings and behavior by making you happy. Therefore, it counteracts depression, in turn reducing the stress of depression. Your stress-free life helps you maintain a youthful disposition, both physically and mentally, so scientifically chocolate makes you younger. Chemically speaking, chocolate really is the world's perfect food. Nothing brings people together more than chocolate, there's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with CHOCOLATE, giving chocolate to others is an intimate form of communication, a sharing of deep, dark secrets. And remember : Betty Crocker said “And Above All…Think Chocolate!” would she lie…didn’t think so. I find myself saying “Put the chocolate in the bag and nobody gets hurt.” and all the cashiers in my town know not to mess with me! Because Chocolate: Here today...Gone today! Chocolate wasn’t even meant to last , have you ever seen a chocolate bar with an expiration date! Nine out of ten people like chocolate…yeah right… the tenth person always lies. Any SANE person loves chocolate. Simply put... everyone has a price, mine is chocolate!

(some quotes used from the following contributors: Judith Viorst, Linda Grayson, Milton Zelman, Michael Levine, Bob Greene, John Q. Tullius, Terry Moore, Elaine Sherman, Lucy Van Pelt (in Peanuts, by Charles M. Schulz)


  1. Oh, my! You've hit the nail on the head! Everything I've always thought but didn't know how to say! Thanks for the encouragement - now I won't feel guilty (of course I don't anyway - hahaha) Love that chocolate - the darker the better!
    Thanks for being my chocolate enabler, you've made my day!

  2. Kelly - very nice and i agree with you 100%!!! :-)

  3. All I can say is AMEN Kelly

    Gail Binette
    Stamper Gail
    Somebunny From Maine

  4. I think it's been said that chocolate releases endorphins and makes you feel like you do when you are in love. If more people ate chocolate the world would be a better place.

  5. You Go Girl!!! I couldn't have said it better. By the way, how do you do your blog banner???? If you can email me about it, that would be great.

  6. I absolutely loved your comments on chocolate. They made me smile, then laugh, the want to go find some chocolate. But I think the gem of the piece was "Chocolate is nature's way of making up for Mondays".

    My Monday at school was one of those rare days (you know like after the full moon and everyone needing to be medicated days)! Sort of made me wonder why I teach (that only happens maybe 2 times a year, thankfully!) So this particular quote made me giggle all over! Thanks!
