Thursday, December 07, 2006

Snowman Ornament!

I have tried these once before but I like this one so much better, I used a 2.5 inch clear ball and cut a 2.5 inch circle out of a piece of window sheet leaving a tab at the top of the circle to sit in the neck of the ornament. I stamped the snowmans face using Fun Faces in stazon and used sharpies for the nose and to give the cheeks color. I the painted the face white using acrylic paint set aside and let dry for a few hours. To put the snowmans face in the ball I rolled it up and stuck it through the opening making sure the tab on the window sheet was in the neck of the ball. I placed the top on the ornament and tied on some silver cord. For the snowmans hat I used a baby sock cutting the toe off and cutting a slit on the sides of the sock tying the base and the end with a ribbon. Gently pulling the hat down the ball I hot glued it into place, added a white ball to the end of the hat and adding some snowflakes to the rim.


  1. OMG! These are just the cutest things! what a great job! Love 'em!

  2. Oh wow, these are too stinkin cute!!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. These are absolutely adorable!! Love them!
