Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Rubbah!!

Santa brought new rubbah to my house this year!! No actually I have the best family they got almost everything on my wishlist, can't get it all there is way too much! I am so excited to get to work with my new stamps! I have got them all cut and mounted and will be using them later today! Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas! Make sure you come back to see my new rubbah at work! Smiley courtesy of

New sets included: Bodacious Bouquet, Like a latte, Cheesecloth BG, Think Big, Best Fiends, Just Between Fiends, Beautiful Beach, Balmy Breezes, Happy Everything, Birthday Beauty, Give Thanks and the Nature Hike Jumbo Wheel


  1. WOW - look at all your new goodies!!! I know you are in heaven right now. I didn't get any stamp stuff for christmas from my family (boohoo lol) I did just sign up to be a demonstrator two weeks ago and got seven new stamps sets and a ton of goodies - maybe that's why! LOL

  2. Oh Wowza! So, what's all in that magnificent stack of goodness? that's great that your family will get you stamps, my dh says I have too much and doesn't want to get involved in the "maddness"
